Dehumidification Matters
The level of humidity in your home increases every time you cook, bathe, shower, clean, or even breathe. Humidity is the concentration of water vapor present in the air. When there is high indoor humidity, there is too much moisture in the air. Excess moisture not only causes discomfort but can quickly lead to property damage and health hazards. The recommended relative humidity for indoor environments is from 30-60%.
What is a Dehumidifier?
Dehumidifiers are designed to remove moisture from the air. A dehumidification system works by pulling in humid, damp air and cooling the air to its dew point allowing the water vapor to condense, forming water.
A home dehumidification system works to reduce and control humidity levels and create a healthier, more comfortable apartment.

Why Dew Point Matters
Dew point is the temperature that humidity in the air condenses to form water.
Measured in degrees dew point is an absolute measurement of the amount of moisture or humidity in the air. Our bodies use sweating as an internal cooling system, as we sweat heat is removed from the body. Typically, it’s not the heat that makes you hot, but the amount of moisture in the air. When temperatures are high enough to cause us to sweat but the air is close to the dew point, or fully saturated, the sweat we produce cannot evaporate fast enough to cool us down. According to ASHRAE article, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, “a dew-point limit of 60°F may provide a more affordable balance between the equally important concerns of reducing energy consumption and reducing risks to occupant health from microbial growth.”1
Did You Know?
Dehumidified air feels cooler, so you can set your thermostat at a higher temperature and still feel comfortable. In fact, for every two degrees you raise the temperature during the summer, you can save between 5% and 7% on your cooling bill.
On the other hand, maintaining low humidity in the winter is beneficial because dry air has a lower heat capacity and takes less energy to heat. The energy savings of lowering the temperature one degree F is 4%.

Moisture Problems?
Moisture Removal Solutions with Tankless Dehumidification

Remove Moisture
Lower Humidity
Properly reducing and maintaining humidity levels in your apartment is key to protecting the longevity of your property, valuables, and health. According to John F. Strube, Ph.D., “the control of moisture in buildings is key to their durability, functionality, health, and efficiency. Understanding the sources of moisture and the mechanisms by which they move within the building and the building enclosure allows professionals to design better buildings and conditioning systems.”2
1. ANSI/ ASHRAE, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality 2019, accessed October 2021 <https://www.ashrae.org/File%20Library/Technical%20Resources/Standards%20and%20Guidelines/Standards%20Addenda/62.1-2016/62_1_2016_ae_20190826.pdf>
2. ASHRAE Journal; John F. Straube, Ph.D. 2002, ResearchGate, accessed October 12, 2021, <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/John-Straube/publication/271706272_Moisture_in_buildings/links/57fd01f108aeea8c97c8635f/Moisture-in-buildings.pdf>